Living Well

Are you ready to improve your health and elevate your life? That starts with making healthy and informed choices. Learn about physical fitness, the best exercise, how to establish an effective workout routine, and how to get started with a physical fitness routine with the help of Living Well.

Combined with food and lifestyle choices from Healthy Habits and tips to continue looking youthful in Look Better, Living Well covers the physical fitness aspects that are an important part of your Healthy Wellbeing.

How To Care For Your Skin During A Shingles Outbreak

Shingles is a painful rash caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. After having chickenpox, the varicella-zoster virus lies dormant in your nerves....

Has A Friendship Ended? Here Are Some Healthy Tips To Get Through It

The end of a close friendship can feel like a breakup. It's the loss of someone who was once your confidant, supporter and loyal...

What Is Long COVID And How Common Is It?

In most cases, getting sick with COVID-19 means it'll take 1-3 weeks to recover. But for many individuals, some of the symptoms may linger for...

Will Going Plant-Based Get Rid Of Migraines?

If you've ever experienced a migraine, you know the agonizing throbbing head pain, sensitivity to light and sound, and overwhelming nausea. It's so debilitating...

Does Your Blood Type Impact Your COVID-19 Risk?

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected some groups more severely than others. Older adults, for example, are at higher risk of hospitalization and death compared to...

Malaria In The US: A Wake-up Call in Public Health

For the first time in nearly two decades, cases of locally acquired malaria have been identified in the United States, occurring in Florida and...

This Supplement May Cut Your Heart Attack Risk

As we journey through life, our heart, a ceaseless marvel of biological engineering, works tirelessly, beating roughly 100,000 times a day. In our golden...

Why Are We Heavy Or Light Sleepers?

Noise is an uninvited guest that often creeps into our bedrooms, turning the peaceful sanctuary of sleep into an arena of restlessness. Whether it's...

Relieve Pain with These 6 Essential Oils

Aromatherapy, using the potent scents of essential oils, offers a promise of relief and relaxation. Beyond their pleasant fragrances, these oils bear properties that alleviate...

Everything You Need To Know About The Cyclosporiasis Outbreak In 22 States

Each year, millions of people worldwide fall prey to foodborne illnesses, unseen adversaries lurking in the very meals that should nourish and sustain us....

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