Will Going Plant-Based Get Rid Of Migraines?

If you’ve ever experienced a migraine, you know the agonizing throbbing head pain, sensitivity to light and sound, and overwhelming nausea. It’s so debilitating you can barely function. All you can do is suffer through it, sometimes for days.

You’d try almost anything to make the relentless migraines stop. But doctors don’t yet fully understand what causes your migraines, and medications only provide partial relief. It’s frustrating and demoralizing.

New research indicates your diet could play an important role in managing these neurological attacks. For millions globally desperate for answers, it’s a glimmer of hope. Reducing the frequency and severity of your migraines might be as simple as eating more vegetables.

The MIND Diet Study

A recent study published in the journal Neurology examined whether adhering to the “MIND diet” is associated with less frequent migraines.

The MIND diet was created to boost brain health and reduce dementia risk. It emphasizes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, olive oil, and fish, while limiting red meat, cheese, fried foods, and sweets.

In the study, closer adherence to the MIND diet was linked to having migraines less often, as well as experiencing less pain and shorter duration when they occurred.
However, this was an observational study, so it cannot prove the MIND diet itself caused the improvements. More rigorous research is still needed.

Evidence For A Plant-Based Approach

Other studies provide clues that plant-based eating may offer migraine relief.

In a small randomized trial, a low-fat vegan diet led to decreased migraine pain levels and self-reported improvement in symptoms. The diet was used for 16 weeks alongside an elimination diet that removed trigger foods.

Another study found diets higher in phytochemicals and polyphenols – plant compounds with anti-inflammatory effects – were associated with less severe migraines.

Specifically, getting more flavanones and lignans (found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains) correlated with milder migraine attacks.

More research is still required to determine optimal diets for migraine patients. But the existing evidence indicates plant-based eating may offer benefits for reducing migraine frequency and intensity.

Other Lifestyle Factors Matter Too

Experts continue to emphasize that other lifestyle factors also influence migraines. Stress management, regular sleep routines, exercise, hydration, and trigger avoidance play key roles as well.

Taking a comprehensive approach by optimizing diet alongside other migraine-prevention strategies may provide the most effective solution. What works for one patient may not work for another.

Advice For Migraine Sufferers

For those struggling with migraines, here are some tips that may help:

  • Work with your neurologist and a nutritionist to determine if dietary changes could help you.
  • Keep a detailed food and symptom journal to identify potential triggers.
  • Gradually transition eating patterns instead of jumping into major restrictions.
  • Focus on eating more plant-based foods, like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and vegetable oils.
  • Limit or avoid foods that could be contributing to your migraines, such as red meat, processed foods, fried foods, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners.
  • Stay hydrated and avoid skipping meals, which can trigger migraines.
  • Address stress, sleep issues, and exercise routines for comprehensive migraine management.
  • Check with your doctor before making major diet changes, especially if taking preventive medications.
  • Patience is key — it can take time to find what works for you specifically. Don’t get discouraged.

While more research is still underway, the current evidence indicates optimizing nutrition with plant-based foods may offer a promising route for reducing migraine burden.