Healthy Habits

Are you hoping to improve your eating habits? Healthy Habits will help you establish a meal plan, understand how food affects your body, and provide nurturing, encouraging support as you establish and maintain positive habits. By making the right lifestyle choices, you can start to enact change in your life and in your body.

Healthy Habits work best when applied with a physical fitness routine from Living Well and the skin and anti-aging tips from Look Better. Achieve your Healthy Wellbeing with the help of support instead of shame and tips from our experts.

What Does Overeating Do To Your Body?

It's easy to overeat. It's so easy that most of us don't even realize we're doing it. We get caught up in the moment, enjoying the...

Prevent Golfer’s Elbow

A golfer's elbow is an injury resulting from damage to the tendons that bend your wrist toward your palm. Medically, it is referred to as Medial...

Can Artificial Sweeteners Raise Your Risk For Diabetes?

Artificial sweeteners are often advertised as a healthy alternative to sugar, especially toward type 2 diabetics trying to limit their sugar intake. And because they...

Does Kombucha Help With Bowel Movements?

Kombucha is a tasty and fizzy fermented tea popular for its purported health benefits. It has been claimed to help with arthritis and diabetes to...

Benefits Of Olive Oil

When we cook our meals, we often need some liquid fat for cooking. These fats conduct heat so that the food cooks evenly at higher...

Can Alcohol Increase Your Anxiety?

Anxiety and alcohol usually get paired together. Many people with anxiety disorders have a strong tendency to turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism. And...

Can Quitting Junk Food Cause Withdrawal?

As obesity and diet-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases have risen to record levels, much discussion and research have examined...

Try These Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

A new year is a time for new beginnings, but sometimes it can be tough to stick to resolutions. Unexpected inconveniences and setbacks often disrupt...

Cognitive Benefits Of Meditation

Meditation is always available, no matter where you are or what you are doing. Some forms of meditation are long and complex, but other techniques...

Avoid These Foods To Prevent Damage To Your Teeth

Teeth are essential for eating and enjoying most foods. They allow us to bite down and break apart new pieces of food. Even a single...

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