Healthy Habits

Are you hoping to improve your eating habits? Healthy Habits will help you establish a meal plan, understand how food affects your body, and provide nurturing, encouraging support as you establish and maintain positive habits. By making the right lifestyle choices, you can start to enact change in your life and in your body.

Healthy Habits work best when applied with a physical fitness routine from Living Well and the skin and anti-aging tips from Look Better. Achieve your Healthy Wellbeing with the help of support instead of shame and tips from our experts.

Tips For A Better Memory

It's easy to feel like you're losing your mind when you can't remember a simple fact or the name of someone you just met. It...

Dining Out Can Be Bad For Your Overall Health

According to a study recently published in the Journal of Nutrition, less than 0.1% of all restaurant meals were of ideal quality. The researchers surveyed 35,015...

Should You Eat Breakfast Before Your Morning Workout?

There's a lot of conflicting and confusing advice out there regarding pre-exercise meals. "Always eat before you exercise!" some people claim. "Never eat before you exercise!"...

Is Dark Chocolate A Health Food?

It's very tempting to think that a treat like dark chocolate is more healthy than other kinds of candy. You can probably find a few...

Your Diet Could Be Affecting Your Happiness

When you're feeling down, sad, stressed, anxious, or unhappy, you might be inclined to reach for a sweet treat as a pick-me-up. However, many common...

Get Smarter With These Tips

You can increase your intelligence. Your brain and neurological circuitry are always changing, forming new connections, and generating new nerve cells.  There's a lot of misinformation...

Why Do You Feel Anxious When You Forget Your Phone?

We all carry our phones with us everywhere we go, and for many of us, it has become an extension of our bodies. We use...

Tips For Running In The Cold Weather

It can be tempting to curl up under a blanket and hibernate until springtime in the winter. Another way to stay warm is to get...

Techniques To Rewire Your Brain

The myth of "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" is based on the false belief that the brain stops changing after a...

Stop Overeating With These Tips

Too many people are overeating, which puts our health at risk. "The answer is simple," some people naively claim, "just eat less." But this is not...

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