Do You Have A Migraine Response Kit? Here Are 6 Things You Need

If you regularly suffer from migraines, you already know how debilitating they can be. The intense pain, the sensitivity to light and sound, and nausea can make it impossible to function normally.

They often appear suddenly and without warning in situations where you can’t just lie down and rest until they pass. That’s why it’s essential to be prepared with a migraine response kit containing everything you need to get through a migraine attack.


One of the first things to try when you feel a migraine coming on is to drink some water. Dehydration can trigger migraines, and even if it’s not the cause of your migraine, it can make it worse.

So, always keep a water bottle with you, and drink small sips regularly throughout the day. And if a migraine hits, start your path to relief with some good hydration.


Your migraine response kit should also include any medications you take to relieve migraines or make them more manageable. This could include prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or aspirin.

If you have a medication that you know works well for you, keep it with you and refill your supply when you run low, so you’re never caught without it.


In some cases, a bit of caffeine may be helpful in alleviating migraine pain, especially if your migraine is related to missing your habitual daily dose.

However, excessive caffeine use can also be a migraine trigger, so it’s essential to use it sparingly and be mindful of your intake.

Relaxation Techniques

Some people find that things such as music, drawing, or something to busy their hands with can help to take their mind off the pain and make migraines more bearable.

If you know of something that works well for you, keep it with you in your kit so you can access it quickly when needed.

Also, techniques such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation can help to ease migraine pain and don’t require any tools, equipment, or supplies.


If you are experiencing migraines on a regular or semi-regular basis, keeping track of your attacks in a notebook can be helpful.

Note down the date, time, intensity, and any possible triggers you can think of, as well as what treatments you used and how effective they were.

This data can help identify patterns and possible triggers, as well as track the effectiveness of different treatments. It could also be useful for your doctor to see when trying to diagnose and treat your migraines.

Health Information

In case of an emergency, it’s always a good idea to have your health information on hand.

This could include a list of your medications, allergies, and medical conditions, as well as the contact information for your doctor or other emergency contacts.

You can keep this information in a physical notebook or on your phone, but make sure it’s easily accessible for others to access if you are unable to.

If your migraines are interfering with your life and preventing you from doing what you love, talk to your doctor about it. They may want to test for underlying causes and prescribe medication or other treatment options.