Healthy Habits

Are you hoping to improve your eating habits? Healthy Habits will help you establish a meal plan, understand how food affects your body, and provide nurturing, encouraging support as you establish and maintain positive habits. By making the right lifestyle choices, you can start to enact change in your life and in your body.

Healthy Habits work best when applied with a physical fitness routine from Living Well and the skin and anti-aging tips from Look Better. Achieve your Healthy Wellbeing with the help of support instead of shame and tips from our experts.

How Does Working Out Affect Your Blood Pressure?

When you exercise, your heart rate increases and forces blood through your arteries with more pressure, which helps deliver more oxygenated blood and nutrients...

Tips To Lower Blood Pressure Immediately

High blood pressure, medically known as Hypertension, is a serious condition in which your blood is pressing against your artery walls with too much force...

8 Dangerous Things To Avoid Overlooking When It Comes To Your Pets

Pets are a big part of our lives. They provide us with companionship, love, and support. But they also come with a lot of...

Is Your Bathroom Dangerous?

We all use the bathroom daily, but how often do we think about the potential dangers lurking in there? Older adults and people with mobility...

Tips And Tricks For Sober October

If you are not yet comfortable with cutting alcohol out of your life altogether, Sober October is the perfect time to reset your relationship...

Counteract The Harms Of Sitting With These 5 Stretches

Too much time spent sitting daily can be terribly toxic to your health. You might already be aware that inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle can...

What Kind Of Sitting Is Dangerous?

Take a minute now to think back on the past few days. How many hours did you spend sitting? People who spend less time sitting...

5 Surprising Foods To Help Combat Depression

If you are living with depression, there's a good chance you are not eating as healthily as you could be. Depression can interfere with appetite...

What Are The Causes And Symptoms Of Prediabetes?

When you visit your doctor's office, they may order some tests to check your glucose (blood sugar) levels. There are a few different blood tests that...

This Harmful Kitchen Ingredient May Be As Addictive As Cocaine

Despite the negative consequences, addiction is often defined as a compulsive need for a substance or activity. Addictions typically involve craving, bingeing, tolerance, and withdrawal...

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