It’s important to pay attention to your health no matter how old you are, but the moment you enter your thirties, you need to become more intentional about it.
It is the most pivotal aspect of life where your body goes through a natural change as you grow older. Your metabolism slows down, you get wrinkles, bones weaken, and muscles lose strength. This means you must treat any health condition as they come and not move them to the future.
Below are seven symptoms you should pay attention to when you’re above thirty.
Low Sex Drive
Generally, our sexual drive declines when we cross the 40 threshold, and the reproductive hormones start taking a back seat. Before that, you should take sexual dysfunction seriously. Possible contributors include dietary deficiencies, psychological stresses, drug-nutrient combinations, and even particular contraceptives or antidepressants.
Memory Loss
The longer you’re exposed to the factors causing your memory problems, the more permanent the harm to your brain will be. It’s terrible that dementia is generally viewed as a sudden condition. The truth is that symptoms don’t appear until years after brain damage. Dietary changes, sleep aids, and memory-enhancing mental exercises are all things that doctors can recommend to help patients feel better.
Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
It may be time to pay attention to your mental health if you’re having trouble overcoming depression and finding effective ways to cope with stressful situations. Psychological distress can be just as incapacitating as physical illness. This is especially true if you have a substance abuse or behavioral addiction.
Indulging in harmful stress relief methods regularly is not just a recipe for future health issues; it also allows you to ignore the underlying mental or emotional problems preventing you from living a more meaningful life.
Excessive Fatigue
Chronic fatigue is different from stress from working or traveling. It’s important to check if you’ve noticed a sudden and dramatic drop in your energy levels, as there could be several medical issues. Chronic fatigue can be an indicator of many different health issues, including but not limited to type 2 diabetes, thyroid issues, anemia, fibromyalgia, heart disease, and so on.
Tooth Pain or Bleeding
Many people get fillings, root canals, and crowns in their twenties, so those restorations may show signs of wear and tear by the time they hit their thirties. However, if you notice that your teeth are becoming unusually sensitive to hot and cold beverages, or if they hurt, it’s time to visit the dentist. You may have to reevaluate your previous work or tend to new conditions.
Poor Digestion
Poor digestion not only makes it difficult to absorb nutrients and increases the stress of eating, but it may also indicate that something is wrong. In extreme cases, you may develop a tumor in your digestive tract, have an enzyme deficiency, or have an allergic reaction to specific meals.
Not Sleeping Well
Both the brain and the body experience stress when you don’t sleep. Deep sleep is when our minds and bodies can restore equilibrium and heal from stress. Establishing healthy sleeping habits at a young age might mitigate the damaging effects of stress on our bodies later in life.
Consistently following a bedtime and wake-up schedule might help you transform unconscious sleep behavior into more deliberate patterns. This helps your body learn how to rest and recharge properly.