Intermittent fasting has brought a lot of controversies to the idea of fasting. Some believe it is the holy grail of losing weight, while others believe prolonged fasting could be detrimental to your health. Yet, just like every trend, a great deal of factually inaccurate information is being spread about the diet. Some of the most common fasting myths are debunked in this article for your convenience.
Weight Loss
Weight loss occurs when people consume fewer calories than their body uses daily. Therefore, the person’s weight will stay the same if, within their eating window, they eat more calories than their body uses. Although fasting may accelerate weight loss, it does not give a definite result.
Fasting is Good for Everyone
Some people should not try fasting despite its many health benefits. People with a history of eating disorders, for instance, those underweight or otherwise weak, should avoid fasting. Fasting is also not recommended for women while they are pregnant or nursing. In addition, fasting would have no positive effects on children while they are still growing and developing. In general, you should consult your doctor before making any significant dietary or eating habits changes.
Not Eating Breakfast Makes You Fast
The idea that breakfast is crucial because it sets the tone for the rest of the day is common. As a result, many people believe that if they don’t have breakfast, they will gain weight and feel ravenously hungry all day.
A scientific study showed no difference in body mass index (BMI) between the breakfast eaters and the breakfast skippers after 16 weeks. Eating breakfast won’t make or break your weight loss efforts, and the effect may vary from person to person.
Fasting Makes the Body Go into Starvation Mode
The claim that fasting causes the body to enter starvation mode, halting the metabolism and making it impossible to lose weight by cutting calories, is widespread criticism of the practice.
Long-term weight loss does cause a slowdown in metabolic rate, but this is true of any weight-loss strategy. Intermittent fasting does not reduce calorie expenditure any more than conventional dieting will.
Fasting for shorter periods may even boost metabolism. This is because of the dramatic rise in norepinephrine levels in the blood, which increases metabolic rate and tells fat cells to start burning fat.
Fasting Makes Inflammations Better
Inflammatory cytokines are tiny proteins that trigger your body’s inflammatory response. Researchers found that after 3 weeks of fasting, these proteins decreased in men and women who fasted for twenty-nine to thirty days. According to research, adults with asthma also benefit from fasting, as it reduces symptoms and enhances lung function.