Living Well

Are you ready to improve your health and elevate your life? That starts with making healthy and informed choices. Learn about physical fitness, the best exercise, how to establish an effective workout routine, and how to get started with a physical fitness routine with the help of Living Well.

Combined with food and lifestyle choices from Healthy Habits and tips to continue looking youthful in Look Better, Living Well covers the physical fitness aspects that are an important part of your Healthy Wellbeing.

Are You In A Healthy Relationship? Red Flag Warnings

Healthy relationships can take many forms. What works for one couple may not work for another. But generally, a healthy relationship will prioritize characteristics such...

Stay Safe This Summer: When Should You Avoid The Heat?

While you enjoy all the fun activities that summer offers, be mindful of the dangers of excess sun and heat exposure. It's especially important to...

4 Dangerous Facts About Going On A Keto Diet

A keto diet is, in the simplest terms, a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet. By significantly restricting carbohydrates, your body enters a metabolic state known as ketosis,...

Is Shrimp Healthy?

Shrimp is a popular seafood option around the world. It can be prepared in many ways, enjoyed on its own, or mixed into other...

This Summer Fruit May Surprise You With Its Health Benefits

Mangoes are a delicious summer fruit that originated in India thousands of years ago, and they are now one of the most popular fruits...

Officials Stopped A Monkeypox Outbreak 20 Years Ago

Monkeypox was first discovered in laboratory monkeys in 1958. Further testing found evidence of monkeypox infection in several African rodent species. In 1970, the first human...

Multi-Country Monkeypox Outbreak: Here’s What You Need To Know

Monkeypox is a rare viral infection that causes a severe, painful rash and flu-like symptoms. While there have only been a few thousand confirmed...

How Long Does It Take To Drown? Tips To Stay Safe This Summer

With summer in full swing, you'll likely spend more time near the water. Whether you're swimming at the beach or in a pool, boating...

Can Overexposure To True Crime Impact Your Mental Health

True crime is a popular genre that many people enjoy. Learning about real-life crimes and the people who commit them can be fascinating. It...

Can You Spot The Difference Between A Sunburn And A Sun Rash?

Most people are familiar with the pain and discomfort of a sunburn. If you spend too much time in the sun (and don't use...

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