Narcissism is a personality disorder that often goes unnoticed until it has already done considerable damage.
It can sometimes be difficult to spot in others, as the disorder can be subtle and hidden behind a facade of confidence. Not everyone with narcissistic traits has a dangerous level of the disorder, but it is important to be aware of the signs so that you can take action if needed.
Here are 6 signs of narcissism to look out for:
Narcissists Believe They are Superior to Others
One of the most obvious signs of narcissism is the belief that they are superior to others. Narcissists generally have an inflated sense of self-worth and believe that they are better than others in all or most aspects of life.
This sense of superiority is often reflected in their attitudes and behavior toward others. They may be dismissive or condescending towards others, or they may have an air of superiority that makes them hard to approach or get along with.
Narcissists Struggle to Connect with Others in Healthy Ways
Another hallmark of narcissism is the inability to connect with others in healthy ways. Narcissists often see others as objects to be used for their own gain, rather than as real people with feelings and needs.
As a result, they have a hard time forming genuine, meaningful relationships. They may have a lot of superficial acquaintances, but they struggle to maintain close relationships with friends and family. This can make them appear cold and aloof, and can make it difficult for others to get close to them.
Narcissists Need Constant Validation and Praise
Narcissists typically have a constant need for validation and praise from others. They are eager to have your attention and wish to be constantly reassured that they are special and important. And if they receive criticism or rejection, they may react with anger or aggression.
This can lead to a cycle of manipulation and control, as they may use trickery or deception to get others to give them the validation they crave, and then react with anger if they don’t get it.
Narcissists Blame Others for Their Own Failures
When things go wrong, narcissists are quick to blame others for their own failures. They have an entitlement mentality and believe that they should never be held responsible for anything.
This can be seen in their tendency to place blame on others for any negative consequences they may experience. They may also have a hard time apologizing or admitting they are wrong, as they may think that doing so is a sign of weakness.
Narcissists Identify as Narcissists
Narcissists typically don’t feel any shame or guilt about their behavior or personality. They don’t see anything wrong with their actions, or they may be completely unaware of how their behavior affects others.
If you ask them if they are a narcissist, they are likely to admit it without any hesitation or remorse. They are usually aware of their narcissistic traits, but don’t think they are wrong or bad for having them. They may even see it as a positive trait and a sign of strength.
Narcissists Have Trouble Listening and Being Honest
Narcissists often have trouble listening to others and being truthful. They may be manipulative or deceptive in order to get what they want, and they often don’t take other people’s feelings or perspectives into consideration.
They may use charm, flattery, or even threats to get what they want. They may also use guilt or shame to control others, making them feel responsible for the narcissist’s happiness or well-being. Narcissists are often good at playing mind games and can be very skilled at manipulating others without them even realizing it.