Understanding your heart rate is important because it can help you quickly spot any health problem that may be developing before it becomes serious. In this article, we wil discuss some of the vital information that you need to know about your heart rate.
What is Your Heart Rate?
Your heart rate or body’s pulse is the number of times your heart beats in a minute. Pulse differs for each individual and also varies as you begin to age.
Where Can You Find Your Puslse And How Do You Calculate It?
There are several parts of your body that you can use to check your pulse. These include:
- Wrists;
- At the side of the neck;
- At the top of the foot and;
- Inside of your elbow.
To calculate your pulse, you should count how many beats you feel in 15 seconds, after which you will multiply that by 4.
What is A Resting Heart Rate
Your resting heart rate is the number of times your heart beats in a minute when you are not actively engaged in any activity. During this period, your heart does not need to work hard to pump blood through your body. Healthy adults’ resting heart rate should be between 60 to 100 beats per minute (bpm). It has been established that the more physically fit you are, the lower your heart rate. This is a healthy sign that your body does not have to work extra hard to circulate blood.
How Can You Lower Your Heart Rate?
Lowering your heart rate is as simple as relaxing your body. Drink water, sit down, or even breathe for some moments a few times deeply. Suppose you incorporate a healthy lifestyle into your daily activity, such as exercising for at least 30 minutes per day, eating healthier, and cutting down on things like alcohol, caffeine, and smoking –you can lower your heart rate even further.
Problems That May Affect Heart Rate: Arrhythmia
Arrhythmia is known as an imbalance in the rhythm of one’s heart rate. There are four main types of arrhythmia:
- Tachycardia: This type of heart problem involves beating too fast at over 100 bpm.
- Bradycardia: On the other hand, bradycardia is when the heart beats too slowly, at less than 60 bpm.
- Supraventricular arrhythmia: This is when your heartbeat starts in the heart’s upper chambers.
- Ventricular Arrhythmia: This type of heartbeat begins in the heart’s lower chambers.
What Causes Arrhythmia?
Many factors cause arrhythmia. For instance, clogged or hardened arteries, complications in the heart’s valves, or even high blood pressure can contribute to these heart problems. Heart problems can also arise from the trauma of a heart attack.
Elevated Heart Rate: Tachycardia
The primary causes of this type of heart problem include stress, smoking, excessive alcohol or caffeine, and smoking.
Low Heart Rate: Bradycardia
This occurs when the heart rate is lower than 60 bpm. An infection can cause this, a problem with your thyroid gland, or even a chemical imbalance in your blood. It can also be caused by inflammatory diseases like lupus or develop while the heart is developing.
Heart Rate And Exercise
You must figure out the maximum rate to find the correct number of heartbeats for your body. To get this, subtract your age from 220. For a beginner in any fitness regimen, it is ideal that your target should be around 50% of your maximum heart rate.
External Factors That May Affect Your Heart Rate
Finally, other factors can affect your pulse. These include warm weather or humidity, extreme emotional highs or lows, etc.