10 Magnesium-Rich Foods You Should Eat

Prepare to electrify your diet with an infusion of magnesium, the mighty mineral that keeps hearts thumping, bones robust, and minds unflappable.

But before you reach for a supplement bottle, consider this: some of the most delectable eats on the planet are veritable magnesium mines.

1. Green Leafy Vegetables
Kale, chard, spinach ― these emerald divas don’t just look pretty on a plate. They’re brimming with magnesium, ready to lavish your cells with alkalizing nourishment. Pair them with a spritz of citrus or a drizzle of olive oil to kick bioavailability into high gear.

2. Nuts
Almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts ― the crunch bunch packs a serious magnesium punch. A palmful provides an instant infusion of calm-inducing compounds. Opt for raw, unsalted varieties to dodge sneaky sodium. Nut butters count too ― just mind those sugar-laced imposters.

3. Whole Grains
Quinoa, buckwheat, millet ― these complex carbs don’t just keep blood sugar on an even keel. They’re magnesium dynamos in disguise. Swap refined grains for these fiber-rich alternatives to ratchet up your intake without even trying.

4. Legumes
Beans, lentils, chickpeas ― plant protein powerhouses are no slouches in the magnesium department. Heirloom varieties like adzuki and black-eyed peas boast even more impressive profiles. Simmer them with kombu seaweed to ramp up digestibility and mineral might.

5. Seeds
Pumpkin, sesame, sunflower ― these unassuming kernels are magnesium megastars. A scant scattering instantly uplevels any dish. For bonus points, opt for sprouted or soaked to neutralize nutrient-quashing phytates. Tahini and seed milks sneak in extra servings on the sly.

6. Fermented Foods
Tempeh, natto, sauerkraut ― these tangy delights don’t just make your taste buds tingle. They’re teeming with highly absorbable magnesium, courtesy of friendly bacterial alchemy. A daily dose keeps your microbiome humming and magnesium stores strong.

7. Seafood
Oysters, mussels, sardines ― these briny gems are oceans more than mere magnesium sources. They’re virtual multivitamins, also rich in selenium, zinc, and omega-3s. Choose sustainably harvested options to honor our marine medicines.

8. Dark Chocolate
Cacao, the crowned king of magnesium-dense treats. A square (or three) of inky dark chocolate confers a blissful boost, thanks to magnesium’s calming properties. Aim for bars with 70%+ cacao content, and savor each melt-in-your-mouth morsel.

9. Molasses
Blackstrap molasses, the mineral-rich byproduct of sugar refinement. A spoonful stirred into oatmeal or drizzled over roasted roots supplies a shocking share of your daily magnesium quota. Its malty, bittersweet flavor is an acquired taste, but the nutritional payoff is pure gold.

10. Avocado
This buttery fruit isn’t just Instagram eye candy. Avocados are magnesium mammoths, ready to grace everything from toast to salads to smoothies. Their built-in healthy fats escort magnesium straight to your cells.

Weaving magnesium-rich foods into your daily menu is a sure-fire strategy for keeping this marvelous mineral on tap. Mix and match the superstars above for a dose at every meal ― your body and mind will reap the rewards.

But as with any nutrition advice, a food-first philosophy trumps all. Because no isolated nutrient can replace the magic of whole food synergy, not even the magnificent magnesium.